Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good News!

Annabel weighs 6 pounds and 7 ounces! Yay! Dr. Z was very pleased with her weight gain and total growth and development. We don't have to see the doc again until Annabel is six months old. She got her second round of shots today and of course she didn't like that one bit! She cried in the office and a little on the way home. Now she's just resting and taking it easy. Take a look at the big band-aid on her (now) chunky thigh! Way to go, Annabel!

1 comment:

  1. awww poor baby =( shes gettin chunky! yay baby!!! i love to squeeze their little thighs wen theyre like tht =) we soo happy for u baby Annabel we love u soo much!!
